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Enhancing Professionalism in Extramural Education

Our Mission

  • The association undertakes the mission to take forward the standardization and professional development of the extramural education industry. It strives to promote industry self-regulation, including but not limited to course contents, teachers’ qualifications and modes of operation. 

  • It is committed to bridging communications between the industry and the authority, conveying views to relevant departments, and advocating recommendations that are beneficial to students, the industry, and all stakeholders.


  • To facilitate the development of extramural education services for the local community with a heart and vision to nurture young minds to become future pillars of our society.

  • To uphold professional ethics, promote industry solidarity and disciplines, actively maintain and monitor the quality of practitioners and educators in the industry, to better serve the students and their families.


  • "21st-century Education Symposium - "Imagining the School of the Future: Innovation and Inheritance", the educational seminar connects experts, principals and experienced workers from the field of education and innovation, responds to the changing education in HK, and understands 21st-century education trend under the technology & social innovation influence.

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